In Lab: Sleep Study
If you are approved for an in-lab study, the Lawrence General Sleep Center staff will help to determine what day works best with your schedule. We do ask that you confirm your appointment two days prior to the day and time we chose together. If we are unable to reach you for confirmation, we will have to cancel the appointment. If you do not confirm, but you do show up for your test, you will have to be rescheduled. This is why it’s very important to make sure we have the best contact information!
On the night of your study, you will enter the hospital through the Russell Basement entrance with the blue awning off 1 General Street in Lawrence, MA. You may have to press the button on your right to be buzzed in. The Sleep Center is located on the left in the Russell Building on the basement level. When you check-in with the technician, you will review admission paperwork, provide a copy of your identification and insurance card, and return your sleep questionnaire.
One of our trained sleep technicians will explain the entire testing process to you. You will be connected to different wires and cables. While they can be a little bothersome, the process is not painful in any way. The testing bedroom has a camera and two-way voice connection capability for your safety.
A PSG (polysomnogram) will measure different parameters while you sleep (heart rate, oxygen levels, EEG readings, respiratory efforts, etc.). These numbers will help a sleep provider be able to tell if you have any sleep disorders.
If it is determined that you have an issue that can be corrected with positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy, you might be asked to return for a second test called a PAP titration. During a PAP titration, the technician will apply a mask to your face and connect it to a machine that provides air pressures. The whole night will be used to adjust these pressures until your symptoms are minimized – to get the perfect pressure for you.
Sometimes the technician is able to determine that symptoms are present, apply the mask, and adjust the pressures all in the same night. This is referred to as a split study. While split studies are convenient, there are certain criteria that have to be met for them to be possible. If these criteria are not met, you will probably have to return on another night to complete a PAP titration.
When your study, whatever type, is complete, the technician will disconnect you from the equipment and explain the next steps. The next steps for you, depending on your situation, might be:
- A subsequent study
- Delivery of a PAP machine from a home care company
- A visit with a Lawrence General sleep specialist
We will send results to the doctor that ordered your study.
Sometimes it is requested on the order that patients follow up with one of our sleep specialists after their study. If your doctor was one of those that requested this for you, the technician will let you know. If you had an in-lab study, your PAP will be delivered as soon as possible, even before you see a doctor for follow-up.
The company that brings the machine to your house will explain how to use it. If you ever have any questions, you can call the Lawrence General sleep clinic at (978) 946-8297 or the company that provided the machine.
It is very important that you wear the machine every night. If you skip wearing it too often, the insurance company may not continue to pay for it.
Hospital Campus: Sleep Center

Hospital Campus: Sleep Center
1 General Street Sleep Center, Basement Lawrence, MA, 01841