Contact Us
Thank you for the privilege of serving you and our communities as your health care provider. To contact us, please see the information below.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
Lawrence General Hospital main phone line at 978-683-4000.
- This number is for non-urgent, non-emergency service.
- Extensions for the most frequently requested departments are below.
- To speak with an operator, please dial "0" to be transferred.
Our mailing address:
Lawrence General Hospital
1 General St.
Lawrence, MA 01841
Patient Medical Records
All requests for medical record information from Lawrence General Hospital are directed to the Health Information Services Department. Send your request to:
Patient Advocate
We encourage you to always speak first with your direct care provider if you have questions or concerns in real time about the care you are receiving. If you need further support regarding clinical care delivery, our patient advocate is happy to assist.
Email or call 978-683-4000, ext. 2273
- This email box and phone number are monitored and responded to during regular business hours Monday through Friday.
- Please allow 24 hours for a response.
For after-hours, holiday and weekend concerns please call the on-call nursing supervisor at 978-683-4000, ext. 3974
Patient Billing
To pay your hospital bill:
For questions regarding patient billing: