Before Your Home Sleep Test
Remember to take all of your regularly scheduled medications unless otherwise directed by your provider and do not consume alcohol or excessive caffeine on the day of the study.
You will pick up a home sleep testing device at a scheduled time after insurance approval is obtained. A staff member will explain how to use it and will provide you with contact information should you have any problems during the night.
After your home sleep test
The following day, you will return the device to the Sleep Center. If you do not return the device, we cannot retrieve its information and will be unable to provide results to you and your doctor.
The test information will be downloaded and reviewed by a sleep physician. It may be determined that you showed symptoms of a sleep disorder. A physician, either a sleep specialist or your own doctor, will do one of two things:
- Order a positive airway pressure (PAP) titration in-lab.
- Order an automatically titrated PAP device and schedule a follow-up visit.
What if you are ordered to use a PAP device?
If you are ordered to use a PAP device, you may need to schedule for an appointment with a doctor prior to using it. You may be scheduled for a clinic visit with a Lawrence General sleep physician.
At the time of your appointment, we will explain the device, how to use it, why you need it, and the importance of wearing it. You may also be fitted for a mask at this time.
You will follow up with a doctor three months after beginning use of your machine. At this point, the doctor will have an appropriate amount of data to decide if your machine is helping or not. Throughout the process, you should be informed of the following:
- If you’re being scheduled for a study.
- What type of study you are being scheduled for.
- Results of the testing.
- Next steps, including when, and who, you will follow up with.
- The name of your home care company.
If you’re unsure about any of these items, or if you feel the process is taking too long, please call the Sleep Center at
978-946-8297, or email
Hospital Campus: Sleep Center

Hospital Campus: Sleep Center
1 General Street Sleep Center, Basement Lawrence, MA, 01841