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Birthing Care

A comprehensive and caring team of physicians and support staff deliver over 1,600 babies each year at Lawrence General Hospital. Still, despite the high number of deliveries, our Birthing Care team understands that the needs of each woman and their family are always unique. Our specialists make it their priority to make your birthing experience as warm, memorable, and personalized as you imagined.

Lawrence General delivers on the hospital’s mission to provide high quality, high value health care and enjoys high satisfaction ratings by parents across the Merrimack Valley.

The birth of your baby is just one part of your childbirth journey. Here are more ways that our team is always here for you and your family, following delivery:

  • We have a dedicated in-hospital extension for breastfeeding-related questions and support
  • We offer site tours for pregnant women and expectant families
  • Our Special Care Nursery, designated a Level II program by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

If you have any questions about Birthing Care at Lawrence General, please call 978-683-4000 and ask for the Birthing Care Department. We will be happy to answer your questions!

Elective Induction Instructions

Your provider has scheduled an elective induction of labor for you. We are happy you chose Lawrence General Hospital to provide your care during this exciting time.  For us to provide safe, effective care to all our patients, we ask that you call our Labor and Delivery unit on the morning of your elective induction prior to leaving home. 

Sometimes, we have many patients in labor and need to reschedule elective procedures. If we need to do this, we will reschedule you while you are on the phone. We will also let your provider know.  

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to caring for you and your family. 

Thank you, 

Lawrence General Hospital’s Labor and Delivery team
978-683-4000 x2272

Instrucciones de inducción elective

Su proveedor ha programado una inducción electiva de parto para usted. Estamos felices de que haya elegido Lawrence General Hospital para brindar su cuidado durante este momento emocionante. Para que podamos brindar una atención segura y eficaz a todas nuestras pacientes, le pedimos que llame a nuestra unidad de la sala de partos en la mañana de su inducción electiva antes de salir de casa.

A veces, tenemos muchas pacientes en trabajo de parto y necesitamos reprogramar procedimientos electivos. Si necesitamos hacer esto, lo reprogramaremos mientras esté hablando por teléfono. También se lo haremos saber a su proveedor.

Agradecemos su cooperación y esperamos poder cuidarla a usted y a su familia.

Equipo de Sala de Partos del Hospital General Lawrence
978-683-4000 x 2272