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Town Hall Sessions Proving a Popular Way for Staff to Stay Connected

February 03, 2020

As part of an effort to connect in-person with each and every one of Lawrence General’s more than 2,000 employees, president and CEO Deb Wilson is hosting a series of Town Hall style information sessions throughout 2020. The goal of these sessions is to share updates, listen to ideas, and answer employee questions. This back-to-basics approach is successful so far, as all but the evening session were close to, or at, standing room only.

Going forward, the plan is to hold these sessions three times a year in the winter, spring, and fall, with enough sessions to accommodate the attendance of all employees at least once a year. As technology permits, the hospital is considering hosting some sessions virtually or providing video links to some sessions.

In addition to CEO Town Halls, Deb continues rounding, attending safety huddles, and had a number of meaningful conversations during her fall CEO Meet and Greets. She also promotes an open-door policy so anyone can speak with her. Deb says the level of employee engagement she’s experienced so far has been very encouraging.

“It’s gratifying to see how interested employees are in hearing what’s happening at the hospital,” says Deb. “I’m hoping to have many more opportunities to connect with everyone on the Lawrence General team.”

As president and CEO, Deb’s priorities include improving care, the patient experience, employee culture, finding efficiencies, and hospital advocacy with health care policy leaders. In an effort to bring a wide range of employee ideas to the table, Deb has also launched a new Employee Idea Campaign on the Lawrence General Employee Hub. To access the Employee Idea Campaign form, please visit the homepage of the Employee Hub and look for the rotating slider.